I realize that I haven't updated my blog since returning from Jordan so I remembered to bring my camera when I went out this weekend and take some pictures.
Thursday night, after spending all day proctoring exams, I went to the House Of Arts performance. It was a selection of the teachers and top students performing clasical music. I liked almost all of the music.
A student and her teacher. It's quite brave of this girl to get up, show her face in
public and perform like this. |
Two of the teachers with amazing skills. Their fingers were blurs.
This girl did a scene from Figaro that was fun and beautiful. |
Then on Saturday a group of friends and I went to an art gallery up in Abu Dhabi for lunch, a tour and an artsy workshop.
From right to left;
Diane, me, Christine, Liz and Elke |
We made cyanotypes which are basically the technology behind blueprints.
We stuck a bunch of odd objects to a paper with chemicals painted on it and
then exposed it to the sun for a few minutes. At the end we had bright blue and
white pictures.
Liz is starting up her own jewelry busines and so she designs and makes custom jewelry for customers. I ordered some pieces and she gave me a necklace and bracelet set.
She designed two necklaces for my nieces back in Canada. |
I also got some new clothes at a good sale at Marks & Spensor so it was a good weekend. Now I've got two weeks of exam proctoring and preparing for the next semester. The coming semester will be better for me now that I've gotten a handle on how things work here. That's the hope anyway :)